Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Real Terrorists (Part 2)

 By posting this controversial video, let me make it clear that I DO NOT hate America nor think of 9/11 as justification for what the U.S has done in the past, but I can't always be proud of the country we live in or the decisions our government makes.   For those that aren't aware, this video depicts a shooting from a US Apache helicopter in 2007 firing upon an unarmed group of adults and children that arrive in a minivan who attempted to transport the wounded from the initial shooting. This video reminds me that the American army is not above making mistakes or harming innocent lives as well.  Yet I can feel sympathy for the soldiers who were involved because they're following orders from their leaders.  If you've read the novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria, I would expect you to understand that no peace can ever be achieved through violence and that no battle is ever won if it means the cost of a single life. A solider should never be honored with a medal that honors and praises how many lives he/she has taken.  You can try justifying the incentive to kill somebody, but I believe all life should be considered precious.

American media turns a blind eye to disturbing events like this that our army is involved in.  I rarely watch the news because it seems so one sided like our history books.  The book Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen is an excellent book that covers the lies many students, teachers, and American citizens are fed about our American history.  There isn't a news station or media in the world that is completely without bias! In my opinion, if a reporter can't provide accurate, true, raw information, the news is flawed. I've seen so much mainstream media recently about 9/11 because of its anniversary around the corner.  What about the innocent Muslims and other Middle-Eastern people who are persecuted, alienated, and labeled terrorists on a daily basis since the tragic events of 9/11 unfolded? I can only hope that even the darkest future events of American history are brought to light.

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