Friday, September 16, 2011

[Free] The Faintest Memory

In preparation of writing college applications, I had frantically searched my mind for memories that possibly contained the most important clues as to what has influenced my goals and the environment that shaped me into who I am today.  As I thought heavily on what I was going to write, I envisioned almost what was like a movie reel before me, playing snapshots of moments in life that I recall.  This surge of mental images pertained some of the fondest childhood memories I often like to reminisce about.  I believe some of the best memories we have are derived from our adolescence because it was a time when we lived carefree lives.  Whether these memories are melancholy or heartening, I can only wish to retain all of them.
          I find it scary that when we grow older, our memory may not be as accurate or precise as we'd want them to be.  At some point we may even forget memories that help define who we are. Memories are your life experiences, how you perceive your world, and in some cases your best companion.  Without memories, you essentially lose who you are and what you stand for.  I'd like to convince everyone to make as many memories as you can throughout your life because at the end of the day they're all you got.


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