Friday, September 9, 2011

Closing Thoughts on 9/11 (Part 2)

Alright so technically I lied, this is the last post I'll do for 9/11, so just bear with me here.  Basically this my attempt to tackle an important question of who was involved in the attacks of 9/11 and what could have been done:

I'm convinced that both Osama bin Laden and the terrorist organization Al Qaeda plotted the events of 9/11.  I also believe the motive behind the attack was because Osama wanted send a message of terror to the U.S. in that Americans weren't safe or the superior nation they assume to be.  Essentially, this terrorist attack was successful in invoking fear into the hearts of Americans and their security.  Vicki L., Justin R., and Jazmin B. blogged just how much airport security and the world has changed since 9/11.

President Bush actually received a memo that threatened a terrorist attack which quite obviously revealed that the World Trade Center would be their target.  I'd like to emphasize that President Bush DID NOTHING to counteract an incoming terrorist attack.  Simply put, President Bush did zilch, nadda, giving an I don't really care attitude to what seemed like an empty terrorist threat that would later come into fruition about a month later.  I'd like to point something out from Natalie Y.'s blog in which she says:
"i think that the government wouldnt want us,americans, to find out what and who things really happened. this idea is also started by a peice of information that i found out in gov like last period. almost a month before 9/11 the president, Bush got a notice that attacks might be being planned and he was just chilling at his ranch taking a vacation for the first month of his term. so hes at this ranch doing whatever because he doesnt think ntional threats are a problem and then a month later 9/11 happens so obviously he wasnt apart of it directly cause he just didnt care."
I agree for the most part of what Natalie said and I believe there is truth in that President Bush for whatever reason decided that this threat held no importance.  And I can verify that Mr.Manno did say Bush received the letter during his vacation on his ranch.  This is also why there were so many concerns and criticism with President Obama taking a 11-day family vacation to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, when the U.S. economy was in a dire situation.

 I feel overwhelmed from what my gov. teacher Mr.Manno has introduced in just couple of days and I would rather spend a Friday night doing something else than finishing a blog, so I'll just end it here. Thanks for reading~

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