Friday, September 9, 2011

Closing Thoughts on 9/11 (Part 1)

 ( You'll probably see me frequently posting in parts since I tend to talk A LOT and I figured I could finish more posts this way.)

Since today marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and possibly the last time we talk about its tragedy as a class, this will be my last post and then I can move on more uplifting things.

 I'll try to dispel a couple of allegations that were made yesterday in class and hopefully clarify who was behind 9/11 based on what I learned today from Mr. Manno.

First off here's a quote from both the lovely Brianna R. and Courtney A.
Brianna: "On many people's blogs I saw that they mentioned something about how the bomb was placed in a certain area because of the way the Twin Towers had collapsed. Honestly, I don't really see the relevance in knowing how the bomb was placed, just because it's not where the bomb was placed that really matters about that event. Although it does help to try and figure out how the building fell from bottom to top instead of the other way around. So i guess, now that i mention it, it could be relevant in some cases, if you wanted to know that physics behind the attack operation plan"
Courtney: "However, we don't know all the facts. Some have said that it was suspicious that the towers collapsed from the bottom instead of falling over from the top. One of my classmates said that there had to have been bombs set up in the basement of the towers in order for it to collapse how it did."
Now let's take a look at the Twin Towers before 9/11.

Well I'm no architect, but The World Trade Center does not look like any modern buildings we have today.  The tower's design resembles buildings made in the early 70's.  The initial construction of both towers was roughly during 1966.  As you can guess, we did not have the luxury of having the most advanced technology or great engineering achievements we've made in recent years.  By 2001, the structures of the World Trade center have already aged and weakened. (Basically the Twin Towers are like two old geezers on the verge of tipping over). The Twin Towers received no large-scale modifications or improvements since its opening in April 4, 1973.  It's reasonable to believe that these buildings collapsed so quickly the day of 9/11 because of their archaic designs.

Now from what I recall, Mr.Manno said that the planes that attacked the Twin Towers, had initially flew in from Boston.  I'm talking planes that were meant to fly cross-country, planes that would be carrying enough fuel to create a chain of gargantuan explosions.  These explosions would immediately burn the already weakened inner frame and central core to the building.

I don't believe in any 9/11 conspiracy theories. I can't even stomach the idea of our own American government taking part in such a dreadful plan when their job is protect the lives and interests of American citizens.  The idea is almost unfathomable that the government would inflict a devastating blow to its economy and kill almost 3,000 good, hardworking people.

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