Sunday, September 18, 2011

[Free] Drive is a terrible movie. (Part 2)

 The Driver is a flawed character because he is so unrealistically portrayed.  He's able to swoon the heart of a married women in such little time, somehow a hand-to-hand combat specialist in between being a driver/stunt-man/garage mechanic, brutally murder people while retaining a straight face, and have a gentle enough heart to carry Irene's son to his bed and willing to save her family from their debt while putting himself in harms way.  We know so little about this character and yet he can pull off such amazing stunts while the audience receives barely any dialogue from him or background information.  There is a lack in complexity and motivation to watch this character because essentially he's invincible and can do whatever he wants.

Some people including critics have come up with the lame excuse that having little dialogue presents more artistic appeal to the movie, silence is golden, or that Ryan is showing not telling. BULLSHIT, he had the same constant serious expression on his face throughout more than half of the entire movie!  If I wanted silence in a movie, I'd watch a Charlie Chaplin film.

There are also embarrassing moments in the movie for instance, the father brings up how he met Irene at a party and to his surprise finds out Irene was under aged.  Then casually says to his young child "That's how you popped out" and they they give each other a bro fist all while there is dramatic music playing in the background, I mean COME ON.  Also it becomes evident that the Driver continues to wear his admittingly really cool jacket in the most public places, irregardless to blood stains left on it from mercilessly beating thugs. Instead of nitpicking all the things I dislike about Drive, you might as well see it for yourself.


  1. Oh my god, you do bad movie reviews. Major props.
    I have never seen this movie but perhaps now I will see it. Perhaps it will join the ranks of Con-Air, and other offensively terrible films that I watch for a laugh.
    Yes, this really sounds terrible. If there's anything I hate, it's the trope of the strong, talented, kind, yet coldblooded killer male main character.
    Don't feel bad nitpicking terrible movies. It is entertaining.

  2. It just so happens this is my first ever movie review and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Although I rarely watch movies (especially in theaters), Drive just really peeved me off in the worst of ways and I love expressing unpopular opinions whenever possible. I'm perfectly comfortable with nitpicking, but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun in finding every horrid thing about this movie. I'd love to hear your opinion if you do see it!

  3. Heheh, I can recommend you some hilarious, gut twisting amazing movie review videoblogs if you like. I'll be sure to go see it!!!

  4. Haha sure, why not? Think you can send a couple links my way?
