Saturday, October 15, 2011

[Free] Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy

 Louis C.K. is one of my favorite stand-up comedians.  Although sometimes his humor can be a bit crude or vulgar, I think he goes where comedians don't dare to go and he consistently brings great new material that I find hilarious.  In this clip Louis describes to Conan how we may take technology for granted:

"Everything is amazing and nobody is happy" by Meowbay

I find this somewhat true because I find people will often complain and exaggerate the most minuscule problems in their life.  Sometimes we need to take a breather from our technology, drama, and hectic work schedules to really appreciate what we have.  People will often say you don't truly know the value of something until you lose it and I definitely believe that.  Whenever I'm caught up in my work, I find going out running near the Harbor Bay Business Park to be very scenic, relaxing, and I become more grateful that I grew up in such a nice environment.  In general, just being thankful is a way to obtain happiness in life.

I find this quote from Lucrezia L to be incredibly accurate:
"I don't like making comparisons between this and that generation. You just can't do it, because every age is characterized by different trends and political, cultural or social movements. The political and social backgrounds are always different. So, in my opinion, making comparisons and saying ''that was better than this'' is wrong. And if you want to do it, you have to support your thesis with facts, not with empirical impressions."
 I believe we can't keep judging generations that come after us.  I definitely feel spoiled because I'm aware that there are other people my age who are less fortunate than me.  Quite frankly, I'm fed up and annoyed by people who continue to accuse this generation of sucking or that music today is nothing compared to previous years. We all have our own opinions and taste in music. There's no need to shame an entire generation based off mainstream music your growing up with or because not everyone finds your taste in music appealing.

 Here's a quote from Brenda T:
"It is ridiculous what parents are buying for five year olds nowadays. Most kids these days have DS Lites, Wii’s, iTouches, cell phones, and the list goes on. When I was a kid, I was lucky if my parents gave me the Gameboy Color or the Nintendo 64."
 Naturally, humans will always want the most advanced technology.  There's some beauty in that because we tend to have higher expectations growing up, society will makes greater advancements in technology to meet those prospects.  With each new generation comes hypocritical criticism from the generation that precedes it.   It's ridiculous in that we make assumptions and say the new generation is spoiled, when the generation before us can use the same argument and accuse us of being spoiled with whatever things they didn't grow up with that we did.

Here's a quote from Andrew Z:
"What happened to playing outside? What about playing with Legos, or stuffed animals? What happened to imagination? In the past decade, too many things have changed. We grew up with Legos, Barbie, and board games. They grew up with computer games, television, and Eminem. smh"
If you hate this generation, try changing it, or even inspiring it. Help set the trends that the next generation can look up to and be proud of.  Make the things you loved as a child cool to the next generation instead of lecturing your generation is better.

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