Sunday, October 9, 2011

[CE] An Apple that Changed the World (Part 2)

Steve Jobs continues to be an incredibly inspirational figure for me growing up with the convenience of technology.  Besides being a genius in pioneering, Jobs was able to follow his passion in advancing humans into the next age of technology. Although he faced many obstacles and setbacks throughout his career, Jobs was able preserve in what he wanted to do and eventually became very successful doing what he loved. Pursuing what you love is incredibly crucial to what you might choose as a career because without that drive or incentive to achieve, you may live the rest of your life in regret and possibly failure.  Even after being fired from Apple and being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Jobs was committed to providing/marketing groundbreaking technology because it was something he was passionate about.

 In my opinion, one of Job's most cutting-edge inventions was Macs because it created a medium for artists to express their imagination with ease. Macs interface is more user friendly compared to most computers due to its early design/media software being more readily available for musicians and artists.  Overall, it has created a manageable working space for people with creativity.  Despite the possible advantages a Mac might have over other computers, I still prefer using a PC.  Contrary to how much praise I seem to be giving to Jobs, I actually dislike a couple of products Apple has released.  I think because of the appearance of most Apple products, a majority of people are easily swayed to purchase them. Naturally, society has become greedier because we always want the newest most advance item on the market and Apple is partly responsible for this trend.

 Aside from the differences I have with Apple products, I definitely admire and harbor great respect for Steve Jobs as an artist, visionary, dreamer, and most importantly as a human being.  Jobs gave so much to the world that most people take for granted.  I hope as part of the next generation, we can help continue the legacy he left behind.

 R.I.P. Steve Jobs

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