Friday, October 21, 2011

[Free] A Creed of Greed

Capitalism: A Love Story has brought many problematic issues in our government to my attention.  In particular, the segment in which Micheal Moore asked a bishop whether or not Jesus would approve of capitalism. 

Having grown up in a Christian family, I was educated under the basic premise of Christianity and good morals.  Although I don't consider myself a Christian anymore, I believe capitalism is intrinsically an evil system that goes simply contrary to the teachings of Jesus.  I would think that principles taught in every religion seem to directly oppose the principles of capitalism in that it promotes competition in the free market and corporate greed.  Here in the U.S., I cogitate whether we have lost sight of the original goal and purpose of capitalism, the idea that it's the best system because it raises the standard of living.  Currently, our standard of living is deteriorating even though our capitalistic system seems proficient in keeping the rich wealthier and the poor living in worsening conditions.

Essentially, capitalism continues to play on man's biggest flaw in that we become corrupted by greed.  It's uncanny that the majority of the U.S. demographic consider themselves Christian; approximately 76% according to Wikipedia.  You would think Christians would prefer socialism or at least communist idealism.  I would say socialism promotes well-being, general care, and helping other people.  In contrast, if you're working on developing on your soul and being a good person, capitalism constantly throws obstacles in your way.  Of course each type of economic system has its own pros and cons. 

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